Muddy Church Autumn Special at SCC
Monday 26th October 2020
Drop in between 
10.30am - 12.00pm for crafts
Trail available all week
Malthouse Meadows
BN15 0AF
Scroll down for the trail, crafts, story and song!

Hi Everyone! 

Welcome to Muddy Church! Even though sadly we can't meet together as we used to, we have lots of fun activities for you to do still!

We hope you enjoy taking part in this new way of being Muddy Church!

Sompting Community Church brings Muddy Church - open to anyone in the community who would like to take part (particularly aimed at families)

We plan to set up a trail of different themed stations (approx. 7) which will be spaced out throughout the meadow. Each ‘station’ will have a laminated sheet which will include a nature fact, Bible verse, challenge or activity and prayer. On Monday 26th in the morning we will have craft activities available too.

Please do not attend if you have any of the Covid-19 symptoms, have tested positive, or are required to self-isolate.

Please observe social distancing at all times with those outside of your household.

Please follow the government’s guidance of only interacting with 6 people (children and adults). Only one household/group of 6 to a Muddy Church 'station' at a time.

Please follow the one-way route clockwise around the meadow.

Parents are responsible for their children at all times.

Dogs are welcome but please keep them on a lead and

use the dog bin by the entrance to the meadow. Please be aware that there are sheep on the site, please be kind to them.

Please respect the environment, feel free to gather and collect

nature where it has naturally fallen, but do not pick or damage plants or trees etc.


A fun, interactive way of exploring God through nature.


Building connections with our community


Engaging and learning from Creation and nature


Valuing each person and respecting them


Developing relationships with each other and God


Listening to God and the voices around us


Being purposeful in gathering, play, reason and



Where all ages are welcome to share together

How will it be organised?

We would really love for this to have a community feel to it, so we hope to publicise this as a Monday morning event on the 26th October with members of our team at each station to assist families – one particular station we are planning will involve making a community art piece using natural resources (see picture for an idea). This will be guided by one of our team members. 

There will also be craft packs available at some of the stations in the morning of Monday 26th October. However, these stations will be self-explanatory and therefore can be left unattended (without the craft packs) and freely available for people to interact with at their own leisure throughout the week - so if it is busy they can return when it is quieter and we stress that people only do the trail in individual household groups – no more than 6 people with only one household/group of 6 to a station at a time. 

We will encourage people to take pictures or draw what they see or hear rather than collecting items to take home.

What will happen?

On this map of Malthouse Meadows you can see the blue dot at the entrance – this will be a welcome notice, introducing the nature trail and reminding people to social distance and only walk around in household groups/groups of no more than 6. 

Then the stations will be spaced out, with plenty of distance, in a clockwise direction around the meadow. 

Station 3 is probably the flattest area and ideal for our nature art challenge.  The final dot will be a final reflection and goodbye sign.


We understand that some of you may not feel safe to attend yet and that is completely understandable. In attending Muddy Church you agree to comply with our safety rules, and attend being fully aware of the risks involved.

  • Who's responsible for my children?

    Parents/carers are responsible for their children at all times. Please keep together as a household unit at all times.

  • COVID-19?

    Please do not attend if you have any symptoms, have tested positive for Covid-19, or are required to self-isolate. 

    Please observe social distancing at all times with those outside of your household. Please follow the government’s guidance of only interacting with 6 people (children and adults) at a time. Only one household/group of 6 at each ‘station’/craft activity at time please. Please be aware of others waiting and move on when you can.

    Please stick to the clockwise one-way route to ensure social distancing is maintained.

    Please wash your hands before coming and wash them as soon as you get home. Bring your own hand sanitiser. Please use hand sanitizer on arrival to stations where interactive craft activities will take place.

  • How should I travel?

    Please walk to Malthouse Meadows if you can, or travel in a private car if you need to (Please try to avoid different households travelling in the same car if possible). Please park considerately.

  • What if we're late?

    Please note that this is a drop-in event, so to ensure staggered entry and social distancing please arrive throughout the times advertised. If we are particularly busy please come back at a later time.

    There will be a clockwise one-way route to ensure social distancing is maintained.

  • Will there be food?

    We are sorry but we can’t offer any food at the moment. Please bring your own water bottle if necessary, use hand sanitiser before eating and drinking anything and please take all your litter home. 

  • Are there toilets?

    Please be aware that there will be no toilet facilities at Malthouse Meadows. Please wash your hands before coming and wash them as soon as you get home. Bring your own hand sanitiser. Please use hand sanitizer on arrival to stations where interactive craft activities will take place.

  • What should we wear?

    Please wear appropriate clothing for outdoor activity (including footwear) – if it rains we will still be going ahead so please dress appropriately for all possible weather conditions! The trail has a grass path, so although buggies are possible, it may be a bit bumpy! Please bring a mask as you may wish to wear one at the craft tables  when working with one of our team. (We do of course ask that people social distance).

  • Can I bring my dog?

    Dogs are welcome but please keep them on a lead and use the dog bin by the entrance to the meadow. Please be aware that there are sheep on the site, please be kind to them.

Muddy Church Guidelines

Muddy Church Activity Stations

There are 7 Muddy Church 'stations' set up around Malthhouse Meadow for you you explore.

We hope you enjoy wandering and wondering as you explore the trail!

Here's the trail for you to enjoy virtually!


Did you know that clouds are made up of tiny water droplets. They are formed when water evaporates from the earth into the sky and condense high up in the cooler air.

Cloud spotting can be great fun! Why don't you look up into the sky at the clouds, see what shapes you can see and make up stories about them! Take some photos or draw some of the clouds you spot.

Genesis 1:6 "God said, " Let there be space between the waters" and so it was. And God called the space "sky".

Prayer idea: When we look up at the sky we see how big the world is - can you reach up and touch the sky? Spend some time thinking about how big creator God must be and thanking Him for His amazing creation!

Water, Land, Plants...

Did you know that large trees can consume up to 100 gallons of water, they then discharge this back into the atmosphere as oxygen and water vapor! Water covers roughly 70% of the earth's surface!

Can you get creative and get involved in adding to our community wild art? Use some conkers, leaves, twigs, acorns, pine cones - whatever you can find and add them to make a wonderful picture! 

(See the picture for an idea)

Genesis 1:10 "God named the dry ground "land" and the water "seas." The land was filled with seed-bearing plants and trees"

Prayer idea: God made 'seed-bearing plants' this was so that they could grow fruit and multiply. Why don't you ask God to help you to grow and produce good 'fruits' such as kindness, love, joy, patience, goodness, peace, gentleness, self-control and faithfulness.

Sun, Moon, Stars...

If God made the sun on day 4, what was the light on day 1?

Did you know that the sun is actually a star? The sun is 1,392,000 kilometres (865,000 miles) wide, it's diameter is about 110 times wider than Earth’s. Approximately 74% of the Sun’s mass is made up of hydrogen. The sun's light reaches Earth in roughly 8 minutes. The Sun’s surface temperature is around 5500 degrees Celsius (9941 degrees Fahrenheit.) The average distance from the Sun to the Earth is about 150 million kilometers! 

An easy way to remember the order of the planets is: My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets! (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto (although Pluto is not officially a planet anymore!)

I wonder how this place would feel at night time? What would you see? What would you hear? What animals might be around at night-time? Maybe you could look up at the night sky tonight and count all the stars you can see! Can you imagine a game of star dot to dot to see what you pictures you could make!

Genesis 1:14 God made two great lights, the sun and the moon... He also made the stars. God set these lights in the heavens to light the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness.

Prayer idea: In the Bible the people of God are described as being as many as the stars in the sky - and yet God knows each of us by name, and knows how many hairs are on our head! Why not spend some time now imagining and wondering and thanking God for this.

Fish and Birds...

Did you know... All fish live and breathe in water and have a backbone (They are vertebrates.) There are approximately 30,000 species of fish currently living. The whale shark is the largest fish and they give birth to live young. Fish need oxygen which they breathe in through their gills. Gills only work when oxygenated water is constantly streaming through them, which is why fish and sharks keep moving. Fish can't blink! Ducks are classed as birds.

I wonder how many birds you can hear or see right now? Spend some time listening carefully to all the beautiful bird songs you can hear. I wonder what the birds are saying to each other? Could you make up the words and create a story/conversation they maybe having? Can you make sounds like the birds and join in their conversation?

Genesis 1:20 And God said, "Let the waters swarm with fish and other life. Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind."

Prayer idea: In the Bible it describes how God loves us so much that He sings songs over us - His children. Can you imagine what God is singing over you? What would you sing back to Him?

Animals and Humans...

Did you know... On average a male lion can weigh 30 stone (190kg)! The African elephant is the world's largest land mammal - males can measure up to 3m high. The blue whale is the largest mammal in the world. Giant pandas spend 10-16hrs a day feeding (mainly on bamboo.)  Bees have 4 wings - the 2 wings each side hook together when the bee is flying, and they unhook when they are not flying. Tapirs poo in water so that their predators do not smell their scent.

What animals can you see or hear? Look at them carefully and watch how they move. Can you copy the way they move? How do they eat? Why not have a game of 'who am I?' Pick an animal and your household/group has to ask questions to find out what animal you are! You are only allowed to say yes or no!

Genesis 1:25 God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, small animals, each able to reproduce more of its own kind... God created people in His own image. God patterned them after himself; male and female He created them."

Prayer idea: Tell God what your favourite animal is and why. The Bible says we are made in God's image, think about all your favourite people and what it is that you love about them, then thank God for them.

Rest and Reflection...

Did you know... Time out can reduce stress. Getting enough sleep is essential for helping a person maintain their best health and well-being. When we get a good night's sleep we can concentrate better and do our best work. Experts recommend at least seven to nine hours of sleep a night for most adults.  A lack of restful sleep also makes it more likely that a person will gain weight  and have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Regular time off helps to restore mental energy and creativity.

Be calm for a moment and think about all the things you have enjoyed today. Close your eyes, how many different sounds can you hear? Count them on your hands.

Genesis 2:2 On the seventh day, having finished His task, God rested from all His work.

Prayer idea: In the Bible it says after everything God made He saw that it was all excellent in every way. Spend some time now reflecting on all the wonderful things God has made, saying thanks. Ask God to help you to rest well.

Scavenger Hunt

Can you take a photo or draw, 

or collect these items for a collage picture?

  • A feather
  • An interesting leaf
  • A twig
  • A daisy/dandelion
  • Tree bark
  • A brown leaf
  • A green leaf
  • A pebble
  • Dirt
  • An interesting blade of grass!
  • A berry

Post your findings on our Messy Church Facebook group or email them to


Did you know that light is made up of energy, it travels in a straight line and if you travel at the speed of light, you could travel around the earth 7.5 times in a second!

Light helps us to see things clearly, how many different colours, plants, creatures can you see? Why not have a game of nature I-spy! See if others in your household group can find what you've spotted!

Genesis 1:3 "God said, " Let there be light" and there was light. And God saw that it was good. Then He separated the light from the darkness.

Prayer idea: Jesus said "I am the Light of the world!" Why not ask Jesus to shine His light in all of the dark places!

We hope you enjoyed wandering and wondering as you explored our trail. We would love to hear how you got on, and to see some of your crafts, please share your pictures and thoughts with us on our Facebook page (Sompting Community Church Messy Church) or email us at

Muddy Church Crafts

Muddy Church Celebration

Please respect the environment, feel free to gather nature where it has naturally fallen, but do not pick or damage plants etc.

We hope you enjoy! Please share your crafts with us  - email pictures by filling in the form below!

We would love to pray for and support you all in these difficult times, so please be in contact with us and let us know your needs (simply use the form below), even if its just for a chat and we will try to support you as best we can! I hope you have been enjoying all the activities, check out SCC Kids for more cool stuff - let us know what else you would like to see!

God bless

The SCC Muddy Church Team

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