Join us for the service which starts at 10.30am, join us afterwards for coffee, tea and chat
Our prayer meetings are open to everyone.
Mondays: 10:00am @ The Manse
Tuesdays: 7:30pm @ The Manse (every other week)
An opportunity for all the family to explore the Christian faith together, through craft, stories and songs
Tiny Tots is our parent and toddler group that meets every Monday during term from 10am-11:15am at St Peter's, Bowness Avenue.
Don't be alone, come and connect with others from your community, join us for a coffee and a friendly chat. Tuesday mornings 10am-12pm at the Harriet Johnson Centre.
We partner with Sing Well Community Wellbeing Choir. Have fun, make friends and learn to sing well together. Wednesdays 10am-11:30am St Peter's, Bowness Avenue. £7 per week.