Welcome to Muddy Church! Even though sadly we can't meet together as we used to, we have lots of fun activities for you to do still!
We hope you enjoy taking part in this new way of being Muddy Church!
Sompting Community Church brings a Muddy Church trail - open to anyone in the community who would like to take part (particularly aimed at families)
See below for our Celebration and Crafts...
ADVENTure Nativity Trail
Sunday 13th – Mon 21st December
Bring your own sweets and reward your Nativity seekers when you find a Nativity display.
Follow the map and find all our 7 QR code ADVENTure Nativity Characters and all the participants in the Nativity decorations trail.
All who have registered to take part in the trail should be displaying our Muddy ADVENTure Nativity Poster.
If you find any others please let us know!
If you have a Nativity display please register below so we can add you to our list!
There will be prizes for the best display and a small prize for each entry.
Find activity sheets for each character via the QR Codes or here
Please follow COVID guidelines, stick to household bubbles and keep social distanced with those outside of your household.
Please bring your own hand sanitizer and use it regularly.
Adults are responsible for their children at all times.
Please respect people's property and privacy.
If you would like to dress up as a Nativity character please feel free to do so!
Extra Challenges! (For extra prizes!)
How many of the following can you see in the displays?
Baby Jesus
Monday 21st December 3:30-4:30pm
Harriet Johnson Centre
Prizes and craft bags will be given out on Monday 21st December between 3:30pm and 4:30pm
Booking for this has now closed.
As part of the Nativity trail we will also have 7 Nativity characters for you to find. Each character will have a QR Code which you can use to download fun activity sheets. If you can't use QR Codes don't worry, all the activity sheets are found here
We are so excited that on Monday 21st
(when we have our craft bag pick up and time to meet our dressed up Nativity Characters)
A special Christmas Star is due to appear shortly after sunset!
Make sure you look out for it! I wonder if this is similar to what the Wise Men saw! When you see it, try to imagine what it would have been like for the Wise Men following the star, looking for the Special Baby!
You can find out more about it here
Some of the Nativity displays in our trail are better to see in the day and others are better when it is dark - why not go in the day and then again in the dark to see the full effect!
Let's brighten up our community by taking part in our ADVENTure Nativity Trail! Make your own nativity scene in your front window or front garden, then send us a message with a picture of your display and your location by Tuesday 8th December and we will collate a map so we can enjoy this community trail together!
Prizes for the best nativity scenes!
Keep an eye on this webpage for more details after the 8th!
We understand that some of you may not feel safe to attend yet and that is completely understandable. In attending Muddy Church you agree to comply with our safety rules, and attend being fully aware of the risks involved.
We would love to pray for and support you all in these difficult times, so please be in contact with us and let us know your needs (simply use the form below), even if its just for a chat and we will try to support you as best we can! I hope you have been enjoying all the activities, check out SCC Kids for more cool stuff - let us know what else you would like to see!
God bless
The SCC Muddy Church Team